Thursday, September 15, 2011

Process Journal #4

I chose AOI 1: Approaches to learning because with approaches to learning, I am provided with the tools to enable myself to take responsibility my own learning. I learn best through reflection - learning through mistakes i've made from past experiences. 

Reflection is a process which enables me to achieve a better understanding of myself, my skills and knowledge. The objective is to identify what I learnt in order to construct new or different approaches to my future practice, or to recognize and validate effective practice to utilize in the future. Learning comes from many different incidents and experiences that we have in life. We can learn much about ourselves, friends, teachers, family members, as well as our abilities and skills, if we consciously take the time to reflect on our learning.

Every mistake a lesson well learnt. I appreciate my mistake for they are precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. I have no regrets!


because the AOI 1: Approaches to learning should not be part of the Personal project anymore, i'm changing my AOI to 3: community and services. This is something new to me and the reason why I choose community and services is because I want to help others. I love to try new things and my plan is to raise funds for a charity foundation called CHCSA with the music i'm recording. They offer services to the youth, elderly, children, people with special needs, family, terminally ill patients, rehabilitation, hearing impaired and people with multiple sclerosis.

For more information, you can visit their website here

Process Journal #3

In an era that tells us to keep rushing - from the time we are children - to reach the next milestone of life, it's hard to keep our priorities straight. Mix in an overload of media, internet, competition, and pop culture, and it becomes almost impossible to hear yourself think. 

At this point of my life, I feel that it makes most sense to prioritize ourselves in this order:

Priority #1: God

Deuteronomy 5:7 - "You shall have no other gods before me."

Placing God as number one is more than just words. I believe that maintaining this number one priority and always make God first in my life, I will go a long way to keeping all other things in order. 

Priority #2: Family 

Family brings out the best and worst in each of us. Through family we find ourselves as we give and receive support. Who can relate better to us then our own brother or sister that shared so many experiences with us? Who can love us more selflessly then our own mother or father who sacrificed daily for so many years to raise us? I love my family!

Priority #3: Studies 

I've always thought to myself, why is study important? Along the way, I figured out that learning is a foundation for my life. I need knowledge to get and keep a job, so that I can earn a living.

Priority #4: My boyfriend

Honestly speaking, I practically ruined my academic life over boys. Many people would NOT advise me to get a boyfriend at this age because it's not practical or it's a big distraction but in my opinion, it's all about priority. Ever since entering City college, I put everything that is more important (like God, my family, studies) before my relationship and everything seems to be working out fine. Most importantly, over the past one year, it has been nice to know that someone loves and cares about you. He's my best friend and he understands me. 

Priority #5: Friends!

Friends are always there for us, to laugh with us in the happy times and to provide us with a shoulder, when we feel like crying. They serve as one of the biggest supports in our life. They accept us, as we are. After family, friends are the one who care for you. They bring a smile on your face when you are sad. They love you and care for you and always make you feel special : ) 

Process Journal #2

The definition of a timetable:

a list of table of events arranged according to the time when they take place; Schedule 

To me, time management is extremely important. 

1) It helps me prioritize 

As a student, there is many things we need to manage and tackle, with a time table, I can see what i should do first. What are those that are important and time sensitive. That way, I can set out to do those first.

2) Keeps me on track

With my goals stated and time allocated, the likelihood of me staying within the boundaries I have given myself is higher. 

3) Helps to discipline myself

Time management is a huge part of managing myself. If I cannot manage time and won't manage my limited resources, how do I plan to achieve my goals? I find that learning to mange time helps to discipline myself. 

4) More quality work

Knowing what to work on, when and how much time I have to finish the work makes me more focused. That focus on the work ensures that I get more quality work out : ) 


Monday, September 5, 2011

Process Journal #1

Topic of interest: How to become a Lawyer?

Why am i interested in that topic? What inspired you or motivated you?

I really desire to do well and make my parents proud. My dream was to open a cafe when i grow up but at the same time, I want to be a lawyer because a lawyer earns a lot of money and I can kind of imagine myself pacing around the court room. 

Most importantly, i have a strong belief of right and wrong. I've always tried my best to resolve matters in the most efficient, diplomatic way possible. I have experience doing this among friends and mostly my younger siblings (they fight all the time).

What do you think is the difference between learning and doing? How do you know?

Learning is gaining or acquiring knowledge or skill in (something) by study, experience, or being taught. Learning is also often defined as a change in behavior which is demonstrated by people implementing knowledge, skills, or practices derived from education while doing is the activities in which a particular person engages. Doing is also the series of actions/steps taken in order to achieve your ultimate goal. For example, if i want to get fantastic results for my examinations, i first have to start working hard and putting in extra effort. By that, it is "doing" and at the same time, while revising, i will learn new things and eventually, get the ideal results i want.

Which AOI would you be interested in? Why? 

AOI 1 - Approaches to learning (learning how to learn). This is because i learn best through research and thinking. I want to learn about how to become a lawyer because that's what i hope to become when i grow older.