Monday, October 10, 2011

Process Journal #5

Topic of interest: How to make an acoustic album

Why am i interested in that topic? What inspired you or motivated you?

My original Topic of interest is How to become a lawyer. The reason why I changed it is because every body knows the process of becoming a lawyer - after graduating from polytechnic/getting your diploma, you study law in university, take the bar exam and become a lawyer. I find it extremely hard to elaborate on this Topic of interest. 

I have decided to change my Topic of interest to How to make an acoustic album simply because it's something I have always wanted to do. I have always loved singing because it makes me happy. My motivation is music and my parents. 

Music: I have my iPod on me all the times. Different kinds of music can spark different kinds of reactions. I find it a great motivation in everything I do.

My parents: they are the greatest inspiration in my life, they motivate and encourage me in everything I do. 

What do you think is the difference between learning and doing? How do you know?

Learning is gaining or acquiring knowledge or skill in (something) by study, experience, or being taught. Learning is also often defined as a change in behavior which is demonstrated by people implementing knowledge, skills, or practices derived from education while doing is the activities in which a particular person engages. Doing is also the series of actions/steps taken in order to achieve your ultimate goal. For example, if i want to get fantastic results for my examinations, i first have to start working hard and putting in extra effort. By that, it is "doing" and at the same time, while revising, i will learn new things and eventually, get the ideal results i want.

Which AOI would you be interested in? Why? 

AOI 1 - Approaches to learning (learning how to learn). This is because i learn best through research and thinking. I want to learn about how to become a lawyer because that's what i hope to become when i grow older.